Dear Dad, Goodnight

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, most Merciful.

May the peace and blessings of Allah continue to abide by the Noblest of mankind, Prophet Muhammed, His household, His disciples and those who truly and sincerely follow His teachings till the day of judgement. Amin.

I received the news of your passage today and I feel I owe it to you a short farewell note.

Yes, I cried but couldn’t wail. I am struggling to remain calm as Mu’adh kept saying sorry trying to wipe my tears and at the same time consoling Laolu who is very heavy. I somehow thought this scene may be played out sometime in future when I pass too, if Allah permits. Having the little boy say sorry is to say the least embarrassing but also impresses on me the fact that I am now what you were to me. It is also not expected of me as a Muslim like you trained me. I still sob but I am not questioning your death; it had to be.

The news of your death was politely broken by Jubby, as I fondly call my eldest brother. It sent a chilling effect down my spine and it became clear to me that was it; you are no more.

You have paid the ultimate price we all would inevitably pay one day but not without your marks. Not without the very fond memories of the good, bad, though and fun times.

Our last meeting was when we had to move you to Abeokuta for a better medical care to deal with your health. It would appear to me you never knew all through the journey I was by your side with Bro. Akeem on the other side while Jubby sped all the way to Abeokuta with brother Qassim following behind us closely creating some form of duo convoy.

Having to ask when I showed up in the hospital later confirmed to me it was a little more serious than I had thought. I broke down and wept profusely and my fears heightened. The news of your failing health had come at a time when I was planning to come over to discuss my plans and ultimately seek your blessings. It was a decision I had made waiting for you to endorse but this is never going to be. Now, I am going to soldier on relying on other father figures and sharing that which would never be anywhere near what we had going.

My pain in particularly informed by the fact that the last I saw of you was the day you got to Abeokuta.

I had plans to come visiting but while I was living the life of a father like you have taught me, I was involved in an accident that shattered my right fibula and ankle. It was a near death situation, Dad.

There was no way I could have wanted you to see me in that shape with my right leg in cast and my movement aided by aluminum crutches. I was not going to add to your already troubled mind something in my opinion was under control. It actually could have been worse but as it turned out it wasn’t and I was okay to keep it away from you. Whether or not that was enough an excuse to stay away is something I am going to battle with for a very long time. I kept calling to monitor your situation; some were encouraging while some, scary. I think the scary bit got the better of you Dad.

In all of these, I take solace in the clear explanation Islam has offered as far as death is concerned and my emotions are guided by this.

Thank you for being my friend, you taught me to be a man and I am proud of what we were able to do together, the discussions around politics and religion; most importantly about life.

May Allah forgive your sins and overlook your shortcomings. May He expand your grave and flood your grave with His light and the scent of paradise. May He protect you against every form of torment in your grave.

May Allah accept your soul into paradise.

Thank you for everything Dad.



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Categories: My Thoughts


  1. Dipo pls find solace in God. Baba ku baba ku.

  2. Sorry Dipo. I pray Allah forgive his shortcomings and admit him in paradise.

  3. Take heart bro, may his sole rest in peace…. Stay strong bro.

  4. ‘To live in the heart of those who love someone is never to die’… Accept my condolence on the death of yur gud father. May his soul find peace n rest and may God grant the entire family the strenght to bear the loss irreparable. It is well

  5. Ina lilai wa hina ilei rajihun. May Allah forgive his shortcomings.

  6. May his soul rest in perfect peace, Ameen.

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